What is FTP?
Functional Threshold Power (FTP) is the highest average watts a rider can maintain for 60 minutes. A 3 minute test is a snapshot of that effort, therefore your results are calculated at 80% of your average watts.
If you’re familiar with our Remix and Power Rides, you know we always do a 3 minute FTP test to determine your “Functional Threshold Power.”
We conduct FTP tests in Power and Remix Rides during classes on the 1st-7th of each month.
FTP is an all-out effort to produce your best power, measured in watts. After the test, your FTP number is considered your threshold (100%) and helps to determine your training zones, as represented in the color chart. These zones become personalized to you, so that you can better determine your level of intensity.
As with any type of exercise, your results will fluctuate depending on how you are feeling that day. Measurable improvements can’t be identified unless the test is done with at least 1 month in between.
We are happy to answer any questions you may have about the benefits of FTP! You can email info@rebelride.com!